San Benito County History

This section is excerpted from A Memorial and Biographical History of the Coast Counties of Central California by Henry D. Barrows and Luther A. Ingersoll, and published by The Lewis Publishing Company in 1893.

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Hollister Light and Power Company.

The officers of this company are: Thomas Donovan, president; Thomas McMahon, vice-president; E. A. Crepin, treasurer; A. Tonn, secretary. The company was incorporated February 17, 1892. Jesse Starkweather is superintendent of the works. This company, as the Hollister Gas Company, has been manufacturing gas for the last six years. It commenced supplying electric (incandescent) light, June 1, 1892. It has a seventy-five. horse-power engine and boiler, and a 740 light dynamo. The capacity of its gas-works is about 15,000 cubit feet of gas per day.

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This section is excerpted from A Memorial and Biographical History of the Coast Counties of Central California by Henry D. Barrows and Luther A. Ingersoll, and published by The Lewis Publishing Company in 1893.

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A Memorial and Biographical History of the Coast Counties of Central California

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